Saturday, September 29, 2007

Busy week,...

This has been a very busy week...its been difficult and I'm tired emotionally and physically. Thank god its a long weekend so I can get a good rest. I'm already feeling recharged and hopefully things can get back to normal soon.

My partner's grandmother died on Thursday morning. His parents were frantically trying to get flights out and managed to fly out on Monday night and was there in time. His brother and sister was having issues with passports and by the time they got there, they had to remove her from the ventilator and let her go. Well at least they are there for the funeral.

It's never an easy time when someone in the family dies but it is just weird how it doesn't affect my partner and his siblings. They seem to think that this trip is more like an holiday and my partner and his other sister who stayed back was just glad to get rid of all of them! Maybe because they have only met her once in their lives and aren't very close to any of their relatives so it doesn't bother them as much?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I finally got my assignment back! I passed!!! Yahoo!!!! These idiots emailed me when they received my assignment but couldn't email me to tell me that i've passed! The letter was dated 19th Sept and it only arrived today, 26th Sept!! Grr..i've been worried about it all these time and the letter was just making its way over that's all! it's not a difficult course but it's because it's easy which is why I feel even more pressured knowing that I have to pass and if i fail, i might as well dig a hole and bury myself!

So well, I'm contemplating whether I should enrol for the other 3 units and finish all my assignments at one shot and then sit for the exams altogether since I have till christmas to sit for the exams. Or, I should do it unit by unit and finish one before attempting the next one.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Alright...i've snapped out of my so-called 'depression' and decided that sulking wouldn't change things.

So well, guess life is filled with ups and downs and life goes on. At the end of the day, I have a fantastic family and mum and dad are very supportive and easy to talk to. My fiance is everything a woman can ask for (For example, he spent his day off work packing up, cleaning the house and folding clothes!!!). Maybe life isn't all that I wish it can be but at the end of the day, it's not all that bad. There's people who's worst out there and maybe sometimes, I just have to step back and compare myself to the less fortunate than people who are more fortunate that I am. Plus at the end of the day, many people talk about their successes but how many actually share their failures?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

i'm depressed....

I declare myself depressed...i'm sick..i'm sick of work, sick of life, sick of all the nonsense in general. I'm bored at work. I've got absolutely nothing to do and it is driving me crazy.

Someone's off sick and I have to look after her clients for her. And she has a ridiculous boss. I have never really liked him but am very glad that i don't have much to do with him on a daily basis. He's been driving me nuts these few days. Made me look like an idiot twice and had to do all these research for him for nothing. All he had to do was to look at file notes that he left 1- 2 weeks ago, he'll know exactly what happened? Working with idiots will kill you.

Besides that, I guess i'm just not happy with my life. I'm not happy with the situation I'm in and I'm sick and tired of being optimistic about everything.

At the end of the day, I know i'm lucky and I should be happy. I know i'm not having PMS and I know this feeling will pass. Oh well, i'll get out of this depression soon..give it a couple of days.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Caffeine Addiction...

It's scary how addicted I am to coffee and how I simply can't function without it! I never used to drink coffee at all, maybe once a week when I meet up with friends and that's about it. It started when I was trying to juggle way too many things with work, business etc etc. I start sleeping lesser and since we have an espresso machine at work, I started off with a single shot every morning. Days when i have only around 4 hours of sleep, i increased my dosage to double shot. With my new job, they don't have an espresso machine at work so I tried surviving without coffee but I will be yawning all day and can't seem to focus!

This weekend reminded me of how addicted I am to coffee. I tried surviving without it but gave up at 4pm on Sunday. I felt oblivious to the world and seem to be just floating around and have no interest in anything but laze on the couch and walking around aimlessly. Half an hour after my mocha kicked up, i'm back with a vengence! Managed to accomplish so much more in the last hour than the whole day!

scary...i need my coffee....i promise I won't push you away ever again..i'll have you faithfully everyday....

Thursday, September 13, 2007

typical female issue....

Did something that I wasn't too sure if i should have done it. Its a typical female thing. I emailed my ex asking how he is. Its always a little weird because I remember his birthday every single year since its a day before mine. Well it's hard to forget isn't it!! I didn't contact him last year or the year before but this year, its been bugging me. I guess I'm just curious as to how he's doing and if he's happy. Curiousity might kill the cat but well, i managed to put it off for the past week but since things have slowed down at work, I've decided to take the plunge and send him an email. I haven't had a reply yet but knowing him, he's a lawyer and will be in court, with a client or he's surprised to get my email and want to have a think of his reply and email me later today ( and then forget to email me altogether!!).

Somedays I just don't understand my facsination with him. We haven't been together for a long time. I can't even remember my last ex-bf's birthday but I remembered a lot of things that we did together. We nearly got married but I was just way too young. Somedays i wonder if we ended up getting married, how would married life be. I have a feeling we would have divorced by now. Many women would love it, he's a lawyer with his own firm, money, car everything but I guess he's a nice guy to hang out with but I just don't think I trust him as a husband. He's a typical virgo and we're both very practical and it would have been a marriage without any romance and sparks would just die. He's 38 this year and he's still single. He's been very unlucky in love and when we last met 2 years ago, he told me how he really loved this girl. He liked her for a while and it was one of those stories where they've been through so much to be together and you'll think they will live happliy ever after. He was ready to have a future with her but she stabbed him in the back. It was a very rough patch for him, not just to go through a break up but to have someone you love wholeheartedly betray you.

So well, he isn't a bf that I would recommend to anyone since he didn't really treat me all that well. But I guess part of me feel sorry for him and just want to know how he's doing.

proud of myself :)

Did something that I'm proud of today. I wrote an article for a magazine about retirement investment planning. Its only half a page but sometimes, its a lot harder getting all that information to squeeze in as compared to writing a long article!

It took me a while to come up with the's been so long since I did something like this. Then again, I've never been a morning person so my flair of writing only started closer to lunchtime. Managed to finish the article just after lunch and so hopefully it'll be accepted and will go really well :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

MIA...missing in action

Time flies..i've been telling myself to write something in my blog all week but I just can't seem to find the time. I've got lots of time at work to blog but once I get home, thats when my real day really starts and I can't find anytime to blog at all!

So well, what happened over the past week. I've withdrew all my money out of my trading account and have decided to take a break from trading indices for the time being. I've finally handed in my assignment and have received confirmation that it has been received at their end and will let me know the results in 2 weeks and I can book my test in if I pass my assignment. I've been thinking whether I should pay for the remaining units and start doing the assignments before leaving it all till christmas when i'm really busy with my online sales. Decisions decisions...

My birthday was on 2nd September. Virgos are very practical and I am no exception. I do not need flowers or presents. We went to a restaurant that we haven't been there for a while and they have the best garlic prawns in town!! Really enjoyed my meal there so thats good enough for me! It was father's day as well so I had to go over to my in-law's place for dinner which wasn't all too bad but thats about it. Nothing fancy but a nice and beautiful day :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 assignment's done

Yahoo!!! In between ebay business, trading the FTSE and everything else in life, I finally managed to finish my assignment! I forced myself to sit down and finish it at 1am! Printed it out and well, just ready for me to seal the envelope and post it off..muah ha ha ha...

Next would be to sit the exam which I heard is pretty easy..and that's it.

So well, I have to finish 3 more units and I promised myself to finish it before xmas and I let's see how that goes...fingers crossed!