Sunday, July 22, 2007

I'm letting it go :)

I was reading my magazine last night and found an article that I can relate to and I believe there's a lot of people out there who will as well! Its about how women love to keep everything and refuse to throw anything out!!! I am 100% guilty! I keep stuff from years ago, it can be just a sample pack of a facial mask to pins that I know I won't use but well, thought I'll keep it for a rainy day.

Therefore, I'm on a mission today. I shall start packing my bathroom and throw as much as I can out. Boxes that I don't need, the numerous cosmetic pouches that I got for free when I buy more than $150 in products, etc etc etc.

So fingers crossed, I'll get to clean up and throw what I haven't use for the last 6months out. If I didn't need it in the last 6 months, I won't be using it and therefore, i don't need it.

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