Thursday, August 30, 2007

i lied...back into trading indices :p

Well I've been back into trading indices but this time, i'm into the FTSE and been making enough out of it so i'm happy to just master FTSE and I guess thats all I need isn't it? Still staying away from DOW since its so volatile and my weak heart can't handle the excitement that comes with it.

I'm glad that I've been very rationale and use my head instead of my heart when trading. Today I wasn't very sure where the FTSE was heading and so I open and closed my position within 2mins and made my money and that's it. Still made a few hundred within that 2 mins and its keeping me happy knowing that I am not taking any risk that i'm not comfortable with. I'm hoping that this goes on and I might have to start thinking about how much tax I have to pay since profits might be taxed at 46.5% by Mr John Howard...grr..Don't see why I should surrender close to half my profits to the government!!!!

So well, since i've been spending so much time trading the FTSE, I've neglected my ebay business so no new listings at all and my assignment is still incomplete. I've got another 3 sections to go so I'll get down to it on Saturday since there's no trading involve over the weekend!

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