Saturday, February 2, 2008

Our wedding...

It's scary..i didn't realise but we've been engaged for close to 2 years. Where did the last 2 years go? It felt as though it flew right pass and I didn't know! Many people wonder why I'm not excited about my wedding and why we're taking so long to organise the wedding. Some have said its not normal to be engaged for so long without planning to have a wedding.

Both of us know, that we are scared. We're are scared of planning the wedding. We're scared of the wedding. If someone will come take away the stress, the fights, the tears that we're going to have and just organise it all and i just have to turn up in my dress, I'll do it even if its within the next hour!

I think we've come to realise that a wedding is not a day to celebrate our marriage. It is a day filled with traditions, religions, cultures, what our families want. When did such a happy day become such a stressful day? What is the meaning behind a wedding? It seems as it is no longer a day about us but a day for people around us. So why should i plan the wedding, they want the party why don't they plan it? Guess life isn't always as simple as that! Maybe I'm skeptical and I wish I am a lot more excited and bursting with ideas...but I'm happy now, we're happy now and well, do we really have to deal with it? I guess I don't have a choice!!!

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