Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Life after resigning is...FANTASTIC

In Australia, employers don't payout your sick leave when you resign. Hence, a lot of previous employees who have left take lots of sick days after they resign. I'm trying not to burn the bridge but I have to admit that I just simply can't be bothered! I worked but not as hard and things that use to bother me, don't bother me anymore. I'll go to the kitchen and grab a cup of water every hour, walk around the floor and had lots of 5min chats. Sent lots of emails and even rang a few places and followup on my own personal stuff.

My manager asked me today 'Are you sure you want to leave?' I thank god for giving me the strength to be able to lie and say ' Its a tough decision but I guess there's no turning back now' when what I had in mind was 'Are you serious? I was hoping to give only 1 week notice instead of 2!'

7 days more to go...I cant wait to start my new job..but i'm scared at the same time..I'm scared of a new place, a new life and the unknown. Scary but exciting at the same time. I'm worried that I won't be able to pass my DFP even though I know I will and EVERYONE know I will. Its just so scary that life doesn't really go on if you don't pass that exam. It's like the end of the road and you can forget about advancing. And just hearing everyone saying 'You're smart, you won't have any problems passing' that stresses me out even more!


Unknown said...

have fun!!!
2 weeks notice ONLY??? I need 3 months notice in my bank!!! *envy*

new year..new start said...

Most companies ask for 4 weeks but well, I only have to give 2 weeks for my company so I don't see why i should stay a single minute longer than I have. Time to move on!!